The Bible is not one book. Bibles are collections of writings. These writings were written at various times
in history and were written by many different writers. Each writing has its own history. Some of the writings are written by one
person and other individual writings have a history of oral tradition,
collection, and editing. These writings
have things in common, but they also have their own separate and distinct perspectives
and theologies. All of the writings are
not saying exactly the same thing.
Most, if not all people, cannot “just read it”. The protestant, Christian Bible contains
works that are written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, or Koine Greek. Most people cannot simple read these languages. This Bible also has various textual histories
and no one copy says exactly the same thing as any other. Most of the differences are minor, but some
are quite significant. One cannot “just
read it” because first someone has to decide which copy or text you will read. But even deciding upon a particular text
leaves the question of translation. Most
people have to rely upon a translation and there are many different
The meaning of these Bibles is not “self-evident”. One cannot simply “read it, and believe it”. With every reading, there is a person and
community that are also interpreting the Bible.
There is no reading without interpretation. Not surprisingly, there are many different
interpretations and many different methods of interpreting Bibles. The interpretative history of Bibles is long
and complicated, and, in some cases, outright contradictory.
The various writings included in Bibles were not
written in a vacuum. Each part was
written within a particular historical, linguistic, cultural, literary, and
religious context. The more one
understands these various contexts, the more likely one will come closer to
understanding the original meanings.
Many of the great themes in Bibles can be appreciated and appropriated
by all who can read or listen. However,
to understand the details and nuances takes hard work. The more one studies, the more one will
learn, and the more one will realize that no one person will ever completely
know and understand everything about these religious works.
Please, don’t “believe” it. Professing intellectual assent to the content
of these writings can result in all kinds of crazy ideas and behaviors. Rather, I suggest one to read it, read what
others write about it, study it. Let it
challenge your thinking. Learn from the
religious legacy of your own human ancestors.
Ultimately, I hope that these writings will prompt personal, life
experiences and greater awareness of our common life together in ways that will
benefit human life. I do not think these
Bibles are authorities over life, but rather testimonies to the ways humans have
oriented their lives for personal and common good. Learn from these religious writings, but don’t
imitate them. Be a real human.